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May 1, 2014

It's been awhile..

Okay, so I've obviously been struggling with this whole blogging thing. Time has just been flying by! So I will try to catch you guys up. Jared's birthday was a few weeks ago! He had to work on his actual birthday, but we celebrated with friends at one of our favorite restaurants.

Chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and Reese's on top of course! 

Then that weekend, I took him on a surprise adventure and we went ziplining in Kansas City! It was really fun and a first for both of us. 

We also have been redoing furniture for our house! We spent a couple weekends in the garage just painting away and had a blast! I had no idea this was a secret talent that Jared had, he was better than me! We painted dressers and night stands for our room and our guest room! I love the color we chose! 

Jared's family came to visit us last week! We had so much fun showing them around Missouri. It was awesome having family stay with us and show them all the restaurants and places we have been telling them about. We ate sooo much yummy food! 

Bowling is our newest obsession! There is a bowling alley here on base, and I need a lot of practice! It's a good way for Jared and I to release some of our competitiveness... but it does get pretty heated! haha.

Oh and this boy is pretty big now! We love our Niner! 

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