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May 15, 2014

Cancun, Mexico

We are back from our honeymoon! We had so much fun relaxing in the sun and exploring a new place. It was our first vacation together by ourselves and we had a really good time. We stayed at the Westin Lagunamar where Jared's parents own a timeshare. The resort was really beautiful!

The sand was white and the water was SO blue. We both had never seen such clear and blue water so it was so beautiful and different from Hawaii and other California beaches we have been to. 

Our favorite place to eat was a little shack called "Surfin Burrito".  It was soo yummy!

 On our last day we decided to swim with dolphins! It was something we both had always wanted to do since we were little and it was just as cool as I thought it would be!


 The pool at our hotel was right along the beach and it was such a beautiful view!

Then we got fish pedicures! I actually first saw this on Keeping Up with the Kardashians (haha) and I have always wanted to try it. It is pretty cool! 

 Then a walrus kissed me on the cheek! 

 We got to hold a little monkey! So cute. 

We had a lot of fun and would love to go back to Cancun someday! We both got pretty good tans... (well jared got a pretty good burn). haha We were sad to leave paradise but so excited to come home to this boy! We missed him while we were gone! 

May 1, 2014


Well we leave for our honeymoon on Sunday! FINALLY. We are going to Cancun, Mexico! Next month is our one year anniversary and I can't believe it is finally time for our honeymoon. Because Jared had to report to his first base after we got married we didn't have the time to go on a honeymoon until now. We are SO excited. I will be taking lots of pictures! We are staying at the Westin Lagunamar Resort!

It's been awhile..

Okay, so I've obviously been struggling with this whole blogging thing. Time has just been flying by! So I will try to catch you guys up. Jared's birthday was a few weeks ago! He had to work on his actual birthday, but we celebrated with friends at one of our favorite restaurants.

Chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and Reese's on top of course! 

Then that weekend, I took him on a surprise adventure and we went ziplining in Kansas City! It was really fun and a first for both of us. 

We also have been redoing furniture for our house! We spent a couple weekends in the garage just painting away and had a blast! I had no idea this was a secret talent that Jared had, he was better than me! We painted dressers and night stands for our room and our guest room! I love the color we chose! 

Jared's family came to visit us last week! We had so much fun showing them around Missouri. It was awesome having family stay with us and show them all the restaurants and places we have been telling them about. We ate sooo much yummy food! 

Bowling is our newest obsession! There is a bowling alley here on base, and I need a lot of practice! It's a good way for Jared and I to release some of our competitiveness... but it does get pretty heated! haha.

Oh and this boy is pretty big now! We love our Niner!