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December 5, 2013


Yesterday, was our 6 month anniversary! Every month I try to make our anniversary the biggest deal and Jared probably gets so annoyed because each time I basically try to pretend like it's my birthday. Haha. Well this time it is actually kind of a big anniversary! Well not really, but kind of. Time really has gone by so fast, yet it feels like a different life when we think about memories from before we were married. We had a friend take some pictures for a project and if you know me… you know how picky I am with pictures. Ha But here are a few! We obviously need some more practice before we go home and are bombarded with all of the family pictures! Already stressing about all of the outfits I have to put together. 

We both have learned so much over the past six months about each other, marriage, and growing up and being far away on our own. I feel so lucky to have a husband that is always there to support me and make me feel so loved. Happy Anniversary to us! 

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