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November 21, 2013

It's a BOY!

We adopted a puppy last week! I've sort of had a little baby fever lately… puppy and human haha so I came across a shelter online that saved a liter of boxer puppies. We jumped at the chance! I grew up with a couple boxers and they are such great dogs. Jared is a die hard 49er fan and I love me some football so we decided to name him Niner. He is now 11 weeks old and we love him already! Here is a video of his first attempt at the stairs… SO FUNNY. 

He LOVES to sleep. But only when we are holding him or next to him… He is just like a baby it is hilarious. 

 We attempted to crate train him for when we are working but the night time didn't go so well… His 2nd night home he slept in our bed with us! He is such a snuggler and we couldn't resist… weak I know. Our bed is going to be very crowded once he starts getting bigger! Uh oh.

He also LOVES friends just like us. haha 

More pictures soon! 
- Kassy


  1. Thank so much for stopping by my blog! :)
    I love yours, now following!

    The Style Storm
    xo, Christina

  2. New Follower, my husband is in the Air Force too he leaves for BMT in January so its nice to follow someone who is going through the same thing, come follow by blog!!! BTW cutest dog, I love puppies there so cute and cuddly.

  3. Man you tricked me! I came to check out your blog after you posted on mine! I saw the title of the post and was like man were the same amount of weeks if she just found out what she's having!!! Lol! Such a cute puppy though!!!

  4. Oh my gosh, he's so dang cute! I love love love puppies :)
