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November 21, 2013

It's a BOY!

We adopted a puppy last week! I've sort of had a little baby fever lately… puppy and human haha so I came across a shelter online that saved a liter of boxer puppies. We jumped at the chance! I grew up with a couple boxers and they are such great dogs. Jared is a die hard 49er fan and I love me some football so we decided to name him Niner. He is now 11 weeks old and we love him already! Here is a video of his first attempt at the stairs… SO FUNNY. 

He LOVES to sleep. But only when we are holding him or next to him… He is just like a baby it is hilarious. 

 We attempted to crate train him for when we are working but the night time didn't go so well… His 2nd night home he slept in our bed with us! He is such a snuggler and we couldn't resist… weak I know. Our bed is going to be very crowded once he starts getting bigger! Uh oh.

He also LOVES friends just like us. haha 

More pictures soon! 
- Kassy

November 7, 2013


Jared and I moved last week! A house opened up on base for us and we jumped at the chance. Everything happened within a week and things were crazy. Moving is never fun but we were so excited! Things are finally getting organized again and we are planning a housewarming party very soon. Here is a picture of our new house!

It is 3 bedrooms which seems a little too big for us right now, but we love it. I love being so close to where Jared works. He gets to come home for lunch and it's so easy for me to bring him anything if he needs it. Its only a couple miles away from where I am substitute teaching as well. I will post more pictures as soon as we are all settled. This was our first decoration that we put up. 

I can't believe it is already November… time has been flying by. Thanksgiving is coming fast and we are staying here in Missouri. It will be very different not being in California with our families, but I am excited to cook dinner and to make our own memories. And that means Christmas is that much sooner! I have so much to blog about, more soon I promise! We have some exciting news I will be posting next week! Feel free to guess. :)