This past month has been crazy! I need to figure out this whole blogging thing and get it down. So much has happened and I have lots of pictures to catch everyone up! First, I left Jared in Missouri and went to LA to go to disneyland with my family. (That definitely did not help my best wife ever situation) but because my husband is so amazing, he understood. My parents planned on taking Kaydence and Kerra to the beach and I flew in with Disneyland tickets to surprise Kaydence. She loved it! It was so awesome to spend some quality time with my parents and sisters. I've been missing them so much since living in Missouri. We wish that Jared, Karlee, Brad, and Amber could have been there with us!

We spent 3 CRAZY days in Disneyland then went back to Modesto to get everything done for our reception. I have to admit... 3 days in Disneyland was so exhausting. We had so much fun! We spent almost 12 hours a day at the parks, then went back to the hotel to crash, then do it all over again the next day. I am still recovering. I think Kaydence was a little tired too...
(Sometimes we had to stop and take a break when walking through the park. haha)
oh just stalking Mike Wasouski
We finally had a little time to relax by the pool so I could get my tan on! ( Missouri has really been taking a toll on my golden glow)
I know they say that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, but I have to disagree. I realized that my happiest place on earth is being with my husband. (Even if it is in Missouri haha)
And sorry to everyone reading if this post falls into the "cheesy housewife blog" !
After our trip in Southern California, we headed back up North to get everything ready for our reception. One of my favorite things to do is have photo shoots with Kaydence. I never get sick of taking pictures of her! She is so beautiful! Here are some pictures from one of our shoots!
Is Limited Too looking for models? Haha
A post about our wedding reception is coming soon!