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July 25, 2013

We are SO spontaneous.

Since Jared and I have been long distance for most of our relationship, we were sort of that "boring" couple that doesn't go out much because we spent our free time talking on the phone or skyping. Now that we are together we have gotten in the habit of going to bed early and spending our free time watching movies on the couch. We keep saying we need to be more spontaneous and do fun things while we are still young and it's just the two of us. Well we went out to dinner for date night on Friday and this is what my fortune cookie said. 

Basically reassured us of how boring we are... Just so happens, that a lady put a listing online for tickets to Train and Michael Franti in Kansas City for that very next day. Her husband was sick and they could no longer go so they were selling their 6th row tickets for less than half of what they had paid. We jumped at the chance! I am a big fan of Train and Jared claimed he didn't know any of their songs. So I went online and starting playing them one by one. Jared knew the words to almost every song.... My point was proven that they have a lot of classics out there! Plus, Train is from San Francisco so it was so fun to have a little glimpse of home all the way out here. We were SO excited! 

The concert was AMAZING. I am not exaggerating when I say that Train sounds exactly the same live as he does recorded. He is so talented and was very entertaining. We had so much fun! Here is a clip from the concert that we recorded. I wonder how many proposals happened during that song? Hmm.

This is Train's latest hit, and we were lucky enough to see Ashley Monroe perform it with him! Such a good song and we loved that the video was filmed at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver. We were just there! 

Here is a picture that Train instagrammed from his view of the stage. Starlight theater in Kansas City was amazing!

We were exhausted when we got home a little after midnight, and Jared had to speak in church early sunday morning.  Don't worry, I snuck a picture for everyone. Ha

He was SO nervous but he did such a good job! I thought I had gotten out of it... but I was asked to come up and share a few thoughts anyways. I survived.... barely. Jared definitely had a few laughs over that. But anyways, I am flying to California this weekend! I am SO excited. Kaydence has no idea. I can't wait to see my family and surprise her! 

July 16, 2013


Moving is one of the things I hate the most. It has been pretty stressful trying to make our places feel like home. I have a love/ hate relationship with craigslist. I get major anxiety when we have to meet up with someone and I hide while Jared does all the work. Slowly, but surely our place is coming together. I tend to get frustrated because I want it to look perfect immediately but Jared has to reassure me that things take time. Moving out here with only some clothes has been quite the experience. I have rented and moved a few times now but Jared has only experience dorm life where everything is provided.  So that has been a little adjustment for him...

This picture basically explains our lives the past couple of weeks since Jared goes to work everyday and I am currently unemployed and trying to make our home look good. 

HAHA. It reminds of some days when my dad comes home from work and the look he would give us girls. #oops 
Our most recent purchase is a washer and dryer. I have never been so happy. The past few weeks I have been going to a laundromat... not fun. I am SO lucky to have a husband that is a money saver. Jared hates to spend money and has been so good at saving since he has been in the military. It has really helped us in the transition. So he has struggled lately with all the spending we have had to do. 

Being unemployed has its pros and cons... If I were living in a normal city, I would have lots of fun everyday bargain shopping at the mall and finding good deals at the nearest nordstrom rack. ( Jared is very happy I don't have access to any of that)  However, we live in MISSOURI... so basically I make Jared breakfast, pack his lunch, work out, hit up the nearest grocery store for dinner, then clean the house. Over and over again. Oh and blog of course. Because Jared says, "that's what a housewife does." Don't worry, he paid for that one. For those of you wondering if I will be unemployed forever... I was just certified to be a substitute teacher! School starts on August 15th and that's currently the plan. I'm really excited actually to teach and to start working again because being being a housewife in the middle of nowhere will start to be very boring. Plus, Jared is starting to get a little too used to the housewife treatment. 

Our newest tradition is that every friday is date night. We are trying to make up for all the dates we missed out on since we were always so far away from each other. Last friday we went to a Chinese buffet in town. (There isn't too many options, haha) But it was actually pretty tasty! 

Then we went home and watched a movie. Jared's favorite thing to do is watch movies. He tries to every single night. However, it is not my favorite thing because two hours is just too long of a time that I'm not allowed to talk. So we have been compromising and I try to limit his movies to a couple a week.  

Our Saturday's consist of driving one hour to Independence because that is where the nearest Target and Costco are. Independence and Kansas City are really fun cities! If only we lived closer to them. But again, Jared thinks that being far away is for the better of course haha. 

This coming Sunday, Jared is speaking in church! It is his first time, and he is so nervous, it's adorable. So get ready for a pretty exciting blog post next week! 

July 11, 2013

Behind the Scenes.... Of Our Shotgun Wedding

This past month has been pretty crazy. Here is the breakdown. I went home to California the end of May for my brother's wedding. Jared was in Texas finishing up tech school and it was looking like he was not going to make it back to California for my brother's wedding or to see me for the quick 2 weeks I was home (due to paperwork). So basically everyone was "on call" for when Jared would be home. On Brad & Amber's wedding day, all the girls were getting ready in the cottage. Minutes before the ceremony, Jared's parents asked me to come outside to take pictures. I walked outside and Jared was standing there. I HAD NO IDEA. He got paperwork and flew to California all within 24 hours. I was so shocked but so happy he was able to make it on such a special weekend for my family. 

Jared had to report to Missouri 2 weeks later (Also a shock but that is a whole different story). My plan was to go back to Utah, pack up all my things and move it home in order to go to Missouri with him. So basically 3 days later we got sealed in the temple. 

Pretty crazy, huh? I sort of like being spontaneous and original so it was pretty fun telling everyone basically within 24 hours that we were going to get married on a Tuesday afternoon. Now to the not so fun part...We were together for 5 days then spent 2 weeks apart while he went to Missouri and I went back to Utah. 

We had a really fun few days in Modesto spending time with our families. 

Then I packed 2 giant suitcases, and flew to Missouri. 
This is what Missouri looks like for those of you who don't know. ( I had seriously no idea) 

We bought a car and found a place to live all within a few (stressful) days. 

I could be like every other girl who has a blog and talk about HOW BEING MARRIED IS SO AMAZING, but we all know how annoying that is, especially when it is in all caps. I'm definitely not saying that it is not amazing, I just don't feel the need to annoy people. I do feel the need to post the following pictures of the perks that I have experienced. 

Foot massages (whenever I want) 

Random presents: 
This is seriously the first item of clothing Jared has ever bought for me. It took him quite awhile to build up his confidence to do this. For those of you who know me, I'm a pretty tough critic and am very picky about what I wear. (Even though it's usually work out clothes, I like to dress it up probably once a month.) Also, for those of you who know me, know that this is also true. So kudos to Jared, because he passed the test! I hope this happens very often. :)

There are definitely more perks than just those two... don't worry I will continue to post more as time goes on. ( Hopefully this is less annoying than your typical blogger. And if not, #sorryimnotsorry) 

Moving on... we were SO lucky to be able to spend the 4th of July with Brad and Amber. 

We have now been in Missouri for almost 3 weeks and it still does not feel real that we are in this strange place for good. We finally got a dining room table so our nightly dinners on the floor together are officially over. 

 I wanted to create this blog to keep our families and friends updated since we are so far away!  I will try my best to keep it updated.

Our reception is back in California on August 10th and we are so excited to finally celebrate with everyone! You can check out our wedding website at this link.